Saturday, March 22, 2008

My pal Kit 2

So I wish that I had more pics, but this is a new computer and well so it goes. I know it is weird that I just found out like 3 hours ago (and now there is a video and song), but i guess this is how I cope.

My pal Kit.

For all you that had the chance to be covered in dog hair after leaving the Schreiner house hold... Kit passed away this morning. He shed like crazy, barked at the wind, and didn’t take no for an answer when he wanted attention. He was a great dog, and the best pal a kid could ask for.

I remember when we first went to the animal shelter to get a new dog. It was 6th grade. To be honest we went there to pickup this older dog that we saw on the news' "paws n' claws" segment. When we arrived there the people said that the animal had already been adopted earlier in the day. I was devastated! I was ready for a new pup. My first dog (Bo) had passed months ago and I had finally broke my parents down. (they really didn't want another animal) I convinced my dad to just look at the other animals in the shelter. As we entered the dog holding pen, the barking and whining was awful. Every dog in there was going crazy with what one would assume was excitement to see PEOPLE. The problem there was that my parents were apprehensive enough about a new dog... these wild pups were not helping my cause. A we were about to leave we passed a pen that at first we assumed was empty (there was no barking coming from it). Upon further inspection I noticed this little puppy just sitting there silent (well quiet at least) with his tail wagging. As I approached the fence the dog slowly approached as well, as I put my hand up at the gate he stood up and gently sniffed and licked my hand. It was as if we both were saying "let's go home pal." Needless to say Kit did come home with us and quickly became a huge part of our family.

He learned how to play football with me early. Well, he learned that "DOWN SET HIKE" was his que to chase and try to tackle me... something that after all these years he remembered. There was a time when you always knew when it was time for bed because Kit would stand there at the stairs looking at you waiting for you to say "bedtime". He made buddies quickly, I even found myself jealous when I would have a girl come to my house and he would always buddy up to them and act like I wasn't even there. I know that he was just helping a brother out... playing the cute dog angle for me. Thanks pal! For the past few years whenever I would come home from college or work he wouldn't leave my side for a few days. I always felt terrible about leaving after that. It seemed that just when he got used to me being there again I would leave... Sorry pal!

There is a ton I could write, but I will just leave it with he was a good dog.